Josh Deane, is an emerging Indigenous artist from the Kabi Kabi lands on the Sunshine Coast, and for the past ten years, He has called Naarm/Melbourne home. He creates vibrant art blending personal experiences, ancestral wisdom, and cultural heritage. Inspired by Australia's biodiversity, his work encompasses various mediums and immersive experiences. Josh's art also reflects his journey as a survivor of family violence, offering solace and empowerment to others. Recognised with prestigious accolades, including the Kinaway Award for Social Media Excellence 2022 and Victorian Indigenous Creative of the year 2023 Koorie Heritage Trust - Lendlease Reconciliation Award, Josh's art amplifies marginalised voices and fosters positive change. Josh Deane is a firm believer in the industry's power to inspire and heal, and through his work, he strives to create a world that celebrates diversity and uplifts those who have been silenced for too long.